Banana Fertiliser
Bananas are VERY popular in our house. We eat at least 3-4 between us each day. I personally have at least 2, and my step-son will often have 2 each day as well. Which means we end up with a …
Bananas are VERY popular in our house. We eat at least 3-4 between us each day. I personally have at least 2, and my step-son will often have 2 each day as well. Which means we end up with a …
This is the 1st article out of 6 in our recently published Worm Farm Series. To begin the series, we’re going to look at the benefits of having a worm farm. Are these little wriggly creatures really worth the effort …
While, where I live, we are slowly (very slowly) heading out of Winter towards Summer, other parts of the world are getting ready to settle in for the colder temperatures. With the colder temperatures, comes the need for heating and …
Rhubarb doesn’t just taste delicious, the leaves of the plant can also provide a natural pesticide for your garden. Although this pesticide should not be used on edible crops, I thought I would still include this recipe since you can use your edible crops …
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