10 Must Have Herbs For Your Edible Garden

growing herbs

Herbs are one of the most valuable additions to any edible garden. You can grow herbs for culinary purposes, or for their medicinal properties. Herbs are also wonderful grown as a ground cover or as shrubs to fill in spaces …

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Mint Sauce Recipe

how to grow mint

Mint sauce is a firm favourite in our house. A lamb dinner just isn’t the same without it.

Following on from yesterday’s post about our bi-annual herb refurb, I had a couple of requests to post the Mint sauce recipe I follow to use up the excess Mint growing in the garden.

Mint sauce is incredibly easy to make and the home made stuff tastes so much better than store bought.

And it keeps well so you can make a large batch and store it in the fridge.

We currently have a 4 litre mason jar full of Mint Sauce in our fridge right now so I won’t need to make any for a while.

Which is lucky given the current state of our Mint patch.

So, here’s the recipe I use for Mint Sauce.

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Mint Refurbishment

how to grow mint

Things have got a little out of hand in the Mint department. Our Mint patch is looking rather unruly right now which means it’s time for the bi-annual herb refurb. Every Autumn and early Summer our Mint patch gets a good haircut …

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Rhubarb And Mint Jelly

Take 1kg of homegrown Rhubarb And 1 cup of water. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 10 minutes, stirring every now and then. Strain through sieve, jelly bag or cheesecloth. Match every 600ml of juice for 4oo grams …

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