How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Your Coconut Tree

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If you are searching for an exotic and nourishing tree to plant in your garden, then coconut palm should be your ideal option. Planting a coconut tree will transport you to the beach and also provide your garden a tropical touch. It is a lovely plant that produces tasteful fruit. Growing up to 80 feet in height, the coconut palm is not considered the tallest tree inside a forest. It can be grown both outdoor and indoors if you provide it with the necessary growing conditions. Plus, the coconut tree is quite easy to grow. Though this type of tree takes its time to grow, the results are great and worth the wait.

Coconut Tree Growth And Care

Benefits Of Coconut Tree

Having access to fresh coconut is not such a bad thing as this fruit comes with many benefits. It is considered one of the healthiest plants in the world. We have listed some of the perks that you can enjoy if you have a coconut palm.

  • One of the most common uses of the coconut tree is that you can eat its fruit. It is rich in powerful antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Moreover, you either eat the fruit raw or cook it as per your choice. By grinding the fruit with water, you can also create coconut milk, which is very famous in some countries.
  • Another famous and healthy drink that you get from this plant is coconut water. When you break open the fruit’s mild hard shell, you get sweetwater, which is loved and enjoyed by many people in summers.
  • Coconut oil is another essential thing you will get if you plant this tree. You can either use it while cooking or apply it to your hair. With time, it will make your hair smooth and soft.
  • You can also create multiple things using the hard shell of the fruit. Many beautiful craft items can be designed from this shell.

Simply put, planning coconut palm trees in your house garden is not a bad option as these trees come with their own perks.

Coconut Tree Growth

How To Plant Coconut Trees?

The simplest and easiest way to grow coconut trees is from a potted plant from a nursery, but you can also grow it from seeds. First, let’s discuss how you can grow coconut palm from a plant.

Preparing The Coconut

1. Germinate your coconut seed

Select the perfect coconut to incubate- The ideal coconut will come with lots of water inside that will splash when shaken.

2. Place the coconut in lukewarm water bucket-

You can use the stone as a weight to keep the water inside the bucket. Plus, leave it submerged for 3-4 days at the most. Doing this will basically soften your coconut and will kick start the process of germination.

3. Use a zip-lock bag

Fill a plastic bag that comes with a zip-lock with one cup of water. Place the coconut in the bag and then seal it precisely. Next, you need to store the bag in a dark and warm location for up to 3 months. It might seem like a lot of time, but if you want your tree to grow in the right way, you need to do what it takes.

4. Check the coconut every week

You need to check the zip-lock bag every week for germination. Once the nut is sprouted and starts to grow roots, you need to gently pack a moist paper towel around the roots and place the seed into the bag back. Your seed will fully develop when the bud or sprout is approximately as long as your roots have become 6 inches to 8 inches in length.

Planting The Tree

1. Mix the planting soil

To plant the coconut, use the mixture of half-plotting soil and half sand. Plus, add some vermiculite or fine gravel to help charge the soil. However, if you are planning to plant the tree outside, then you can find any spot which has well-drained, loose soil.

2. Put the prepared coconut inside the soil

Place the germinated coconut inside the soil with the pointed end in the downwards position. Also, ensure that 1/3rd of the coconut is sticking out from the soil. Though, if you are planning to plant the tree inside, make use of a pot that is 10 inches deep and comes with a diameter that is large enough to accommodate the coconut.

3. Give the planted tree plenty of sunlight and water-

You need to water the tree at least two times every week so that the soil is damp and not too wet. Plus, your tree should get lots of light and also some shade. For outdoor planting, you can try to make a small greenhouse, while for indoor planting, spray water on both sides of the leaves to keep the tree moist.

Maintaining The Coconut Tree

1. Keep the tree warm and watered

Your coconut tree requires a temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit at least. However, they will grow best when the temperature is above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Fertilize The Plant After One Year

After a year, you can apply the fertilizer at a rate of 1 pound using a rotary spreader per 100 square feet. Plus, use a fertilizer that is rich in nutrients, including manganese, boron, or magnesium.

3. Harvest The Coconut

After the wait of five years, your tree will start to mature and begin to yield fruit. Once the flower has started to bloom, after 7 to 12 months, the coconuts will mature too. You will get a fully grown coconut that weighs 6 pounds approximately.

How To Care For The Coconut Tree

How To Care For The Coconut Tree

  • When you are searching for an outdoor location to plant your coconut tree, then you should keep in mind that these trees grow fast. Plus, their seeds are hardy and huge and thus can cause damage to whatever they may touch or hit when they fall from their place. So, when planting the nut, keep them away from your home or anything that you think can be damaged by this tree.
  • Coconut trees typically flourish well in full and proper sunlight. It is important, therefore, that both your indoor and outdoor coconut plant receives a good amount of sunlight. During the autumn and winter season, you can place the tree under any artificial source of light to make up for the loss of sunlight. Moreover, if you have the plant inside then, you have to place it in a position where it receives ample sunlight.
  • Basically, coconut plants are not too picky about their soil condition. Once you have selected the place, mix together equal sand, peat, and topsoil. Doing this will create a loose but nutrient-rich soil perfect for planting the coconut tree.
  • Being a tropical plant, the coconut palm is thirsty for water. Keep the soil damp by saturating with warm water twice or once a week. If you have chosen well-drained soil, you should not be worried about over-watering.
  • Give your coconut palm protection against the weeds. Spread a mulch layer of about 3-inches deep, around 8-inches from the trunk. The mulch will not only protect the tree but provide moisture where it is required the most.
  • Look out for leaves that are turning yellow, as this is a sign of nitrogen deficiency. If your tree has yellow leaves, it means that you are providing your coconut tree with the wrong fertilizer or the wrong amount of fertilizer.
  • If you see some dead leaves in your coconut tree and are planning to prune them, then make sure they are completely dead. It is because coconut palms are said to be sensitive, and pruning a leaf with a little green stem can hamper the whole tree. Also, while making the cut leave a half-inch end so that you can avoid hitting the bark.
  • Lastly, you should not climb the coconut tree while wearing climbing spikes as they can tear the protective bark of the tree. If this happens, then the tree becomes prone to insects and fungus as they get a passageway to enter the tree. Basically, you can use a pole-handle cutting saw to harvest the coconut.


Care For The Coconut Tree

Hopefully, by going through the above guide, you will get a clear idea about how to plant and care for your coconut palm trees. They have a long yet simple process of growth which anyone, even a beginner, can follow. Whether you plant them indoor or outdoor, they will be a charming addition to your garden, yard, or home.

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