Tiger Worms On The Move

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I had to laugh at myself yesterday (joining my husbands laughter) as I got super excited over what might seem absolutely odd and garden geeky to some.

After ongoing battles with our two older worm farms, we finally decided to invest in a new worm farm available on the market.

In the past we have used these two types of worm farms:

WormFarmPlastic Tiered Worm Bin


Wooden Tiered Worm Bin

And to be honest, neither have worked that well.

The wooden bin suffered from mice burrowing in and turning the whole farm over into sand from the ground underneath.

The plastic bins has a few problems, including the worms moving down through the bins and falling into the liquid at the bottom (despite extra mesh being added to each layer), as well as the castings still being difficult to harvest, and the scraps compacting down, sweating and becoming a big moldy mess : (

So after years of trying to get the balance right, and cleaning out bins, shuffling worms about and missing out on the real benefits of having a worm farm, we decided to try a new model.

Meet the HungryBin

worm farmAs soon as I saw the Hungry Bin, I knew I had to have it.

Researching why this bin would be any better than what we had already tried, the design made so much sense. The funnel shape provides a large feeding area for the worms, who are surface feeders, and encourages them to keep moving up, while the castings move down the funnel and are collected at the bottom, making harvesting easier.

The worm wee flows into the tray at the bottom and as a sealed unit, there are no pest problems (it wasn’t just mice we dealt with, wasps got into our plastic bins and made a nest), no issues with smell, and the wheels mean you can move and park the bin anywhere.

As soon as I got the bin home I put it together and promptly started the worm relocation. With some new bedding, any old, moldy scraps put into the compost, and some nice fresh new ones added, the worms were ready to move in.

I parked the bin by one of the outside doors so I don’t have to keep pleading with my husband to traipse out in the wet and dark over the winter, and instantly became totally impatient.

It’s taking a mammoth effort to not check on my little worms every few hours, despite knowing that even my super hungry Tiger Worms can’t make that much difference in such a short time. I just have such high hopes for this bin, and can’t wait to see if it works properly, and solves all our worm farm woes.

I’ll let you know. But in the meantime, to celebrate the worms new home, I have decided to finally release my Worm Farm post series.

I have been writing this series for a while now, but have yet to post it, and now it seems the perfect housewarming present for the worms.

Except it’s you who get’s the gift ; )

So, if you are keen to learn all about worm farming, from start to finish (including tried and true methods, top tips and the truth about the mistakes we’ve made and learned from), then SIGN UP BELOW and get the latest Growing and Gathering posts delivered directly to your inbox so you don’t miss any of the Worm Farm post series.


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